Decide the form of your presentation: You can present your work during the conference either as a regular presentation in one of our panels.
Regular Presentation: You will have up to 15-20 minutes time for your presentation. It is recommended to speak no longer than 15 minutes and let at least 5 minutes for discussion. Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive. Each presentation room will be equipped with a laptop and a screen for PowerPoint presentations. The laptop will be set up for PowerPoint presentations. Transparency projectors are not provided.

Abstracts must include;

  • Introduction – catching the reader’s interest: emphasis, short, clarity, background, objectives of present work. The introduction links to the conclusion
  • Materials and methods – not just for scientific investigations but what inputs were required (staff, resources), what approaches did you take?
  • Results or findings – present relevant observations and data gathered in the course of the work or activity; describe the results in a logical and chronological order
  • Discussion – discuss the results, assess meaning, implications, highlight significance. Be certain to get the message over but do not restate the results.
  • Conclusion – summarise what has been done so the reader is left in no doubt as to what you did



Abstract Submission Form (English)

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